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The Boxers Prayer

I ask you not for victory

For somehow that seems wrong

But only for protection

And courage to be strong

Strength not to conquer

But just that I fight well

And prove myself a sportsman

At the final bell


I ask you Christ of suffering

That should I suffer pain

I’ll offer it for all my sins

So that it won’t be in vain

And if perhaps he cuts me

And the bright red blood I see

I ask that I remember

“The blood you shed for me.


The Boxers Prayer,

contact Willie O’Leary +353 [0] 86-843 3422 

 In the sadness of their passing
contemporaries over the years
emerges the shining prospect of immortality.
In their legacy is inspiration
to our new generation of Boxers.
In the sanctuary of these pages
they will be remembered for ever.